The Pro's and Con's, the Must Have's and Must Not Have's, list after list on bits of paper, endless conversations about whether moving is the right thing to do, round and round in circles. We have all been there at least once, and some, more times than they choose to remember.
One of the big "Must Have's" on my list was a bathroom with a window. I have lived in three houses with internal bathrooms, without a window, and it's something that I dislike intensely.
BIG TICK ..... a gardners loo, albeit very posh but the outside privvy none the less.
A LOO WITH A VIEW..... (I would also like to point out that we do have a normal indoor bathroom as well, just in case some thought we really were going back to nature)...
It makes me smile, and I am sure there will be musings from the privvy in due course.
But for now ... the view !!!!
